New CIPA logo
In October 2016, CIPA organised a design competition to come up with a new, more up-to-date logo for our organisation. Despite the wide variety of designs send in by the many participants, no logo fully met all the expectations of the CIPA Executive Board. However, CIPA felt that three entries stood out and therefore rewarded their creators with a free registration for the CIPA 2017 Symposium (see this news item).
Afterwards, a professional graphic designer received these three designs and he proposed a fresh design that took the best elements of all three logos into account. During the general CIPA board meeting in Ottawa, a final voting was organised between this new combined logo and a design by CIPA’s web master. This voting resulted in a small minority electing the latter logo.
As of autumn 2017, this logo will thus replace the old CIPA Heritage Documentation logo.