5th CIPA summer school

CIPA is happy to announce its 5th Heritage Documentation Summer School on “Cultural Heritage 3D Surveying and Modelling” which will take place from 15-21 July 2018 in Zadar, Croatia. As with the past four editions, this summer school will consist of theoretical lectures (on photogrammetry/computer vision, laser scanning, photography and total station survey) and practical work, in the field and in the lab.

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International Survey on stakeholders and demands in the field of digital cultural heritage

Dear colleagues,

we would be highly appreciated if you could spend 15-20 minutes of your valuable time and respond to a survey to identify stakeholders and demands in the field of digital cultural heritage.

The survey is conducted under auspices of major institutions as Europeana Foundation, ICCROM, NEMO, CIPA and INTERPOL by the Virtual Multimodal Museum (ViMM) Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme (CULT-COOP-8-2016). ViMM brings together leading European and international public and private sector organisations working on Virtual Museums and the wide sector of Digital Cultural Heritage to support access to high quality information and documentation to support policy development and decision making through the use of technical advances.

Thank you very much in advance!

Marinos Ioannides, Rob Davies and Sander Münster

Europeana Survey on Advanced 3D documentation in Cultural Heritage

Dear colleagues,

It will be highly appreciated if you can take the time and contribute actively in the following survey and/or to post it in your social media and forward it to your networks/email lists. The survey is all about the current digital 3D e-documentation and preservation in Europe and especially at the EU digital Heritage Library: Europeana.

The Europeana Task Force Group Survey on Advanced 3D documentation.

Best Regards,

Dr. Marinos Ioannides

ViMM – Join the Group of Experts

Dear colleague,

Register on our platform and join the Group of Experts.

Virtual Multimodal Museum (ViMM) is a high-visibility and participative Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme (CULT-COOP-8-2016). ViMM brings together Europe and the world’s leading public and private sector organisations working on Virtual Museums and in the wide sector of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) to support high quality policy development, decision making and the use of technical advances. The partner consortium will be supported by an expert Advisory Group in building the ViMM Framework, involving decision-makers and practitioners in defining and resolving issues spread across 7 interlinked Thematic Areas (‘the 7 Ds’): Definitions, Directions, Documentation, Dimensions, Demand, Discovery and Decisions.

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Thesis awards 2018

The CIPA-HD Executive Committee wishes to promote and sustain young researchers by offering a privileged place to show their research efforts and results.

If you are younger than 35 at 15th January 2018, and author of a Master or PhD thesis, concerning (totally or partially) the theme of cultural heritage documentation approved in the period 1st October 2016 – 31st October 2017, you can participate in this celebration and win an award. You can send us a summary paper of 8 pages in English including an abstract, methodology, main theme and results. The paper should follow the ISPRS format. The full version of your thesis is also required.

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4th CIPA summer school

CIPA is happy to announce its 4th Heritage Documentation Summer School on “Cultural Heritage 3D Surveying and Modelling” which will take place from 12 -18 July 2017 in Pafos, Cyprus. As with the past three editions, this summer school will consist of theoretical lectures (on photogrammetry/computer vision, laser scanning, photography and total station survey) and practical work, in the field and in the lab.

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Thesis awards winners known!

The CIPA thesis award competition, which was approved by the CIPA Executive Board during the last meeting in Prague on July 2016, was formally launched on September 2016. Three months later, fifteen master and seventeen Ph.D. theses were submitted. After thoroughly evaluating all the submission, CIPA is very happy to announce the following winners:

Master Thesis award

Arnadi Murtiyoso – Acquisition and Processing Protocols for UAV Images. 3D Modeling of Historical Buildings using Photogrammetry


Ph.D. Thesis award

Susana Del Pozo Aguilera – Multispectral Imaging for the Analysis of Materials and Pathologies in Civil Engineering, Constructions and Natural Spaces


Both winners will be invited to prepare a paper for the next CIPA 2017 Conference and orally present their outstanding work.

5th INTBAU International Annual Event

From 5-6 July 2017, the 5th INTBAU International Annual Event will take place in Milan, Italy. The event is organised by the School an the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano and will investigate methodologies of representation, communication and valorisation of Historic Urban Landscape and cultural heritage, but also place making and local identity enhancement.

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