The purpose of the CIPA Emerging Professionals (EP) initiative is to attract a new generation of heritage recording practitioners into our International Scientific Committee (ISC). Following the lead of the ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG), we aim to track the progress of ongoing initiatives, share updates, further engage emerging heritage practitioners and discuss matters which relate to CIPA topics, along with support and promote the ICOMOS & CIPA tenets.
The journey of the EP group started at the 2019 CIPA HD International Symposium in Ávila (Spain), where in the friendly atmosphere of a tapas bar, with sangria at hands, we gathered our first audience, anxious about how many would attend the initiation of this new project. As it turned out, we caught the attention of young professionals and academics alike—with some help from our expert members– and since then, the group keeps growing.
During the first year of the group, we have organized a multicultural core of people willing to volunteer their ideas, time, and energy. Since then, this group has established a significant worldwide network willing to promote as well as organize events, training activities and events broadly relevant to heritage recording. The unforeseen circumstances which followed made us push even more towards informing young people about heritage and triggering the discussion regarding culture, equality, ethics of heritage, heritage access, and heritage at risk.
Ongoing programs/initiatives for EPs:
– engaging in social media, promoting training, volunteering, and mentoring for heritage documentation
– conducting triannual interviews with heritage experts
– organizing a series of webinars with the general theme ‘Accessing Heritage Places from Home’, hoping to construct a common effective language of communication between young heritage specialists, and to make people outside of the ‘world’ of heritage documentation and protection aware of its opportunities and challenges.
– organizing a series of short webinars allowing last-year PhD students to practice giving their dissertation talks and to receive constructive feedback from a friendly, knowledgeable audience
– creating a database of events relevant to CIPA topics
– creating a database of heritage recording academic institutions, labs, and firms to enhance our network and better disseminate actions
Get in touch with the CIPA EPs:
Facebook https://bit.ly/2ZYLdfg
Youtube https://bit.ly/39xl7D2
Instagram @cipa_ep
Discussion forum https://bit.ly/3hBj2ce
Feel free to send us your recommendations about training activities, seminars, webinars, and any type of event through social media or by mailto:cipaep.20@gmail.com